Hydrate to maximise performance and recovery

Hydrate to maximise performance and recovery

Hydration is the secret weapon for all athletes to reach their full potential. While water is essential for hydration, adding electrolytes has many advantages.

Read more in this blog.

What are electrolytes and their function?

Electrolytes are essential minerals required by the body to stay hydrated and maintain several bodily functions [2].

Electrolytes essential for hydration include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate and phosphate [1]. These electrolytes support vital bodily functions like muscle contractions, nerve signalling, and regulating pH levels and blood pressure[2]. Sodium and potassium are essential in regulating water volume in the body, while calcium and magnesium are required for muscle function [1][3]. Phosphates play a crucial role in cell signalling, act as a buffer to maintain the body’s pH balance and, together with calcium, are essential for bone health [7]. These electrolytes are obtained from foods and beverages, with bicarbonate being the exception, as the body can produce this on its own [1].

Why should athletes hydrate with electrolytes?

During exercise, your body loses water and electrolytes through sweating [5]. Therefore, drinking enough water before, during and after a sport or activity is essential. Athletes should replenish the electrolytes lost during exercise [5]. A quick and effective way to do this is with our hydration-electrolyte products.

USN has a wide range of products suited for different needs in our range of electrolyte drinks.

An electrolyte imbalance can cause fatigue, headaches, muscle weakness, and spasms [1]. Low levels of electrolytes and water can affect athletic performance in several ways. They decrease flexibility and speed and reduce muscle blood flow [4]. Athletes may also experience increased glycogen use, leading to quicker fatigue  [4]. As blood plasma decreases, blood thickens which results in a reduction in the body’s ability to carry oxygen. This leads to slow recovery and ultimately reduced performance [4].

Maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance is crucial for optimal athletic performance and endurance.

How do electrolytes aid performance and recovery?

Not only do electrolytes help to maintain hydration, but they also support recovery by facilitating waste removal and enhancing nutrient uptake [6]. During exercise, intracellular metabolites accumulate in muscles, causing fatigue [8]. Microdamage to muscles after exercise causes muscle soreness [8]. Proper electrolyte balance allows the body to remove waste products more efficiently. It also aids in preventing muscle soreness and cramping and facilitates quicker muscle repair after exercise [6].

Optimal electrolyte levels help sustain high-intensity workouts without the early onset of fatigue through better muscle function and fluid balance.

The bottom line

Electrolytes are essential for overall health, optimising recovery, and enhancing athletic performance. Athletes can maximise their potential and support their bodies more effectively by ensuring proper hydration and electrolyte balance.

Written by: Nadia Meyer

Senior R&D Technologist, BSc (Hon) Food Science, University of Pretoria. 


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